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Getting Started with CMD Windows

Windows was initially created to promote using DOS for a beginner user, and it was simply a graphical user interface. DOS is eventually eliminated from Windows as time passes and newer versions of Windows are emerging.

Although newer operating systems don't run on DOS, they do have something called the prompt, which appears identical to DOS. In this guide, we discuss the fundamental instructions and use of the command prompt to make the resource more convenient.

Using the Prompt command window

When people refer to the command prompt, we will refer to it in numerous ways. You may refer to it as a command prompt, cmd prompt, or even dos, as a shell console window. You must run a program that relies on your operating system to access the command prompt.

You can take the following measures to run the programs and start a command prompt:

  • Step 1: Click on Menu Start
  • Step 2: Press the Option Run
  • Step 3: In the Open: field, type the corresponding order. We will type cmd.exe, for instance, if we are using Windows XP.
  • Step 4: Press OK

The command prompt only is a window, which indicates the current directory by default, or a folder in Windows terminology. You are in and have a cursor ready for your instructions. You can see that it informs C:\WINDOWS>, for instance, in Figure 1. above. The C:\WINDOWS> is the prompt which tells us now in the directory c:\windows. The prompt would rather look like this if it were in the directory c:\program files\directory: C:\PROGRAM FILES\DIRECTORY>.

Useful Commands

The or cmd.exe programs have built-in commands that are very useful. We have outlined below some of the most relevant authorities and additional guidelines for seeking information on all the orders available.

The Help command: This command lists all of the orders used in the command. You can type the aid command name if you would like more details about a specific command.

The Exit command: This command removes the command prompt. Only type out and hit enter and close the command prompt.

The CD command: This command helps you change the directory you are already in or see in which directory. You type cd directory name and press enter to use the CD button.

The DIR command: If this command is used without an argument or the folder you choose as an argument, it will list the files and directories in the current directory. To use the button, type Dir and press Enter. You can find details about the file sizes, date, and time they were last written on the latest files of the directory you were in.

The Copy command: This command helps you to copy files from place to place. You must type to use this command.

Copy file copy. Examples are:\test\test.txt file and copy to c:\windows\test.txt for instance.

The Move command: This command helps you to move a file from place to place.

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